There are two chart tool bars, one dedicated to 'supply side' charts and the other to 'demand side' charts.  Supply side charts directly reflect what's been generated by the equipment audited whereas demand side charts reflects consumption levels down stream of the air reservoir.

Observe the following in relation to 'Demand side' charts...

  • The air reservoir is the 'System storage volume' that was entered during Audit Wizard 'Create site & energy profile').
  • Demand side data can only be created when a system pressure sensor was present and recorded System pressure data

When using either or both tool bars, observe the following...

  • Select or de-select charts by clicking on the individually
  • Select or de-select all charts by clicking the ''Supply side' or 'Demand side' icons left of either tool bar
  • You can use the 'Supply side' or 'Demand side' icons left of either tool bar to select or de-select charts at any time
  • Use the arrows either side of the tool bar to reach additional charts
  • Selected charts will change colour (de-selected charts are grey!)
  • You can select both supply side or demand side charts simultaneously