The most common reason for an audit not showing up in for example 'Graph Wizard' is the way that AIR-INSITE handles mass data storage.  When logged data for an audit is sent to AIR-INSITE a large number of data streams are also created.  For example, we report on compressor status at AIR-INSITE but we never actually logged compressor status.  Instead, we create this data stream using a combination of the logged data uploaded and the audit configuration.  To preserve memory and only after a significant period of non use we throw out these data streams.  gasp I hear you say...

Relax, we do not throw out the logged data you uploaded to AIR-INSITE, merely the data streams we created after you uploaded the logged data!

If this happens and you want to use the audit data once more, that's easy...  Simply return to Audit Wizard and select the audit concerned.  From the 'transfer data' window perform a re-sync of the audit.  After the re-sync completes data streams have been re-established.  Proceed to for example Graph Wizard where you'll find the audit listed once more.